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CPR Certification

This certification shows that I completed the CPR course that is required for Trent’s nursing program. This completion shows that I am accountable, as I have completed a necessary requirement of the program.  

Mask-Fit Testing

My completion of the mask-fit testing demonstrates that I have completed a requirement that is necessary for clinical placement, which shows that I am accountable. A proper fitting mask is very important to nursing so that you are adequately protected from any contaminates. 

Ontario Scholar

This award is given to grade 12 graduating students who achieve 80% or higher in their six best grade 12 course. This award relates to nursing since it includes biology and chemistry, which are important subjects to nursing. 

Academic “M”

This award is given to graduating students from Medway High School who achieve an overall average of 80% or higher all four years of high school. This relates to nursing, as in order to earn this award, you must be strong in both biology and chemistry throughout high school, which are two subjects that are important to nursing.

Nutrition and Health Proficiency Award

I received this award for achieving the highest mark in the grade 12 Nutrition and Health course at my high school. This award is relevant to nursing as it shows that I have a strong background in health and nutrition, which is an important aspect of nursing.  

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