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NURS 3021 Clinical Practice Focused on Chronic Disease Management

Final Evaluation 






NURS 2021H Clinical Course Evaluation

Final Evaluation

Student: Jessica Birch

Clinical Instructor: Shelly Ham

Placement: Maternity


Objective: Recognize and begin to navigate the complexities of family nursing.

Evidence/Indicators: I have begun to recognize and navigate the complexities of family nursing through my time at placement. Since I have been able to see many different types of people and families at clinical, I have been able to recognize the complexities that occur when caring for families. I have also been able to navigate family nursing through my learning of information in other courses, specifically NURS 2001. Learning about the different lenses and relational skills in class has helped me to understand the complexities of family nursing.


Objective: Integrate knowledge from previous courses to support diverse populations.

Evidence/Indicators: I have been able to integrate knowledge and practical skills from lab into clinical. Examples of skills that I have learned in the lab and have been able to integrate into clinical include vital signs, breastfeeding assistance, baby baths, and injections. Concepts from NURS 2001 have aided me in supporting diverse populations by learning about skills that apply to a variety of nursing practice situations. Knowledge from previous courses relating to building a strong therapeutic relationship has been useful during this clinical rotation.


Objective: Critically appraise relational inquiry processes and begin to develop meaningfulrelationships with health care providers and family members.

Evidence/Indicators: Each week, I have developed meaningful therapeutic relationships with my patients. I have done this by spending time with them and by making sure that their needs are always met.  I have also developed meaningful relationships with other health care providers, such as my co-assigned nurse, by doing what I can to help them and by learning from them. Additionally, I have been able to terminate the relationships I established each week with my patients by checking in on them, saying goodbye and making sure they are comfortable before I leave.


Objective: Collaboratively formulate a plan of care based on knowledge of family nursing, related theories and scholarly literature.

Evidence/Indicators: I have been able to collaboratively formulate a care plan with my co-assigned nurse each week. Frequent communication with my co-assigned nurse has allowed me to partake in the care plan for my patients. I have participated in creating a plan that suits my patient’s needs, as well as incorporates knowledge of family nursing. An example of this is when my patient was unable to void following a C-section. I was able to collaborate with my co-assigned nurse and create a care plan to help my patient void. Integrating knowledge about family nursing has helped me to understand the needs of the patient and what I can do to support them.


Objective: Develop, implement and evaluate the effectiveness of health-promoting, evidence-based practice, reflecting principles of family nursing as relational practice.

Evidence/Indicators: Collaboratively I have developed and implemented strategies with my classmates and the nurses at clinical. I have implemented strategies that I have learned in lab and from observing the nurses at clinical. I have been able to evaluate the effectiveness by observing my patient as well as interacting with them and listening to what they say.


Objective: Demonstrate increasing competence and confidence in the application of psychomotor skills in practice settings.

Evidence/Indicators: My competence and confidence in the application of psychomotor skills in practice settings has greatly increased since beginning clinical. At the start of placement, I had trouble counting the baby’s respirations accurately as I would sometimes miss some and I found them hard to hear. Now, I can confidently count baby respirations without great difficulty. I have also demonstrated increasing competence in assessing the fundus and can usually find its position on my own. Additionally, I feel confident giving baby baths.


Objective: Demonstrate accountability and professionalism that is consistent with a nurse entering a self-regulating profession.

Evidence/Indicators: I have demonstrated accountability and professionalism by coming prepared each week to lab and clinical. I have come to clinical ready to learn and focus on my patients. I have made an effort to incorporated skills within my scope of practice at clinical. I have been respectful of my patient’s needs and wishes.


Objective: Select appropriate community support services for families needing referral to enhance coping with diverse transitional experiences.

Evidence/Indicators: Using the package provided by the hospital, I have educated my patients on the different support services that are available to them. I have made an effort to explain the different documents included in the package. I have informed them of services such as lactation consultation and other community support services.


Student Areas of Strength

1. Ability to provide safe care

2. Use of therapeutic communication and developing a therapeutic relationship 

3. Confidence in my skills

Student Areas for Future Development

1. Ability to prioritize tasks

2. Ability to use downtime wisely

3. Taking initiative 



NURS 2021H Clinical Course Evaluation Mid-Term Evaluation

Student: Jessica Birch
Clinical Instructor: Shelly Ham Placement: Maternity
Missed Clinical Hours: 0 Missed Lab Hours: 0

NURS 2021H Clinical Course Mid-Term Evaluation



Objective: Recognize and begin to navigate the complexities of family nursing.

Integrate knowledge from previous courses to support diverse populations.

Evidence/Indicators: I have recognized and begun to navigate the complexities of family nursing through many different ways. I have done this by studying the family unit and dynamics in class, completing my readings on family nursing, learning practical skills in lab, observing family units at placement, and observing how the nurses interact with the patients and their family. I will continue to observe and learn about the different components that make up family nursing during clinical hours and in class.

I feel that I have started to integrate knowledge from previous courses by applying concepts I have learned in the lab at clinical. Additionally, I have been able to see the concepts and models we have learned about in 2000 last semester in practice at clinical. As we continue to learn more about diverse populations in other courses, I will continue to integrate the knowledge into clinical.


Objective: Critically appraise relational inquiry processes and begin to develop meaningful relationships with health care providers and family members.

Evidence/Indicators: I have been able to develop meaningful relationships with the health care providers and family members at clinical each week. I have been able to develop relationships with the nurses by assisting them however I can and by being open to learning from them. I have established therapeutic relationships each week with family members by making sure to introduce myself, listening to my patients requests, respecting their wishes, providing support, and showing patient confidentiality. I have made sure to communicate effectively with the health care providers and the family members to establish a meaningful relationship.


Objective: Collaboratively formulate a plan of care based on knowledge of family nursing, related theories and scholarly literature.

Evidence/Indicators: Each week I have collaborated with the nurses, my clinical instructor and my fellow students in order to formulate an appropriate care plan for the patient. I have made sure to listen to the input and opinions of everyone involved in the patient’s care and incorporate what I learn into practice. So far, I have not formulated a care plan on my own, but I have been observing and collaborating with the nurses to work towards eventually formulating my own plan.


Objective: Develop, implement and evaluate the effectiveness of health-promoting, evidence- based practice, reflecting principles of family nursing as relational


Evidence/Indicators: I have started to develop effective practice principles by observing concepts in lab and the nurses at clinical. From this, I have tried to implemented some of these strategies and principles at clinical with the help of the nurses in the unit. Examples of this include observing how to assess a fundus, listening to appropriate questions to ask a patient and learning how to complete a newborn assessment. I have made sure to wash my hands frequently as a health promotion strategy. I have evaluated the effectiveness of these strategies by checking on my patient frequently and asking them how they are feeling.


Objective: Demonstrate increasing competence and confidence in the application of psychomotor skills in practice settings.

Evidence/Indicators: I have demonstrated increasing competence and confidence applying my psychomotor skills in practice settings by using the skills I have learned in the lab at clinical. I have been able to apply skills such as assessment skills, taking vitals and giving a baby bath. Since we take many sets of vitals on the mother and the baby, I feel my skills are improving and I am becoming more confident in my findings, but I feel I still have areas I need to improve on. A skill I would like to improve on is counting newborn respirations.


Objective: Demonstrate accountability and professionalism that is consistent with a nurse entering a self-regulating profession.

Evidence/Indicators: I have demonstrated accountability and professionalism by attending all of my labs and clinical placement days on time, being prepared and dressing appropriately. I have demonstrated professionalism during clinical by staying focused on my patient and supporting them however I can. I have made sure to put all of my notes with patient information in the shredder following each clinical day. I have refrained from discussing patients outside of placement and with people outside the patient’s circle of care.


Objective: Select appropriate community support services for families needing referral to enhance coping with diverse transitional experiences.

Evidence/Indicators: From learning about different resources in lab and at clinical, I have tried to inform patients of community services that would be of assistance to them. An example of this is how I have tried to educate the patient and their family on the information package that is provided by the hospital for the family. I have outlined some of the useful supports services that are available to them.


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