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March 2, 2015

My initial belief statement was that nursing is a profession that highly incorporates the value altruism throughout all aspects of practice. Nursing requires selflessness and dedication to your patient. Being a nurse requires one to always put the needs of their patient in front of their own and show unwavering commitment to the profession and their client in order to succeed. Following the completion of this placement, I feel that my values and beliefs about nursing have not changed and instead they have strengthened. This past semester, I was able to observe many client appointments. This opportunity provided me with first hand experience regarding patient interaction and health promotion. I was able to observe how dedication and commitment makes a difference and promotes a safe environment where the client feels comfortable disclosing personal information. 



November 23, 2014

To me, nursing is a holistic profession that incorporates who you are and what you believe in. Nursing encompasses many aspects of who you are, as how you conduct yourself is influenced by your values and morals. I believe that nursing greatly requires selflessness and compassion in order to be successful within the profession. Being a nurse involves putting the patient’s needs before your own and doing everything you can to help them. A value that outlines this type of care and devotion is altruism. Nurses must have an altruistic approach to their everyday work, meaning that they must be devoted to the care of others. A nurse’s priority should always be centered on their patient’s wellbeing. In order to provide adequate care, you must try to understand and meet the individual needs of each patient.


Furthermore, my philosophy of nursing incorporates teamwork and cooperation. Effective nursing involves working alongside other nurses, health care professionals, and also the involvement of the patient. Collaboration is a key aspect of patient centered care since the input of others can offer more insight and another perspective to a situation. The ability to have a professional working relationship with coworkers is a crucial element of nursing as it is a progressive and growing career. When elements of the healthcare system are changing, it is beneficial to have coworkers you can go to for support or advice if you need it. Furthermore, having the support of other nurses and health care professionals can significantly improve your delivery of care and your approach to nursing. The involvement of the patient is beneficial, as they can best describe their individual needs and outline what they hope the outcome to be. Effective communication contributes to better decision making, which then leads to better delivery of care. 

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