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November 28, 2016

My goal for next semester's clinical placement is to increase my knowledge regarding acute illness and patient experience. By the end of my clinical placement, I will have learned how to care for a patient with an acute illness. 

My second goal is to improve my charting. By the end of clinical, I hope to be able to accurately chart with minimal assistance. 


March 13, 2016

My goal for year three is to become more comfortable and confident with giving injections. I will achieve this goal by practicing in the lab, as well as taking advantage of opportunities to give injections at clinical.

My second goal for year three is to improve my charting skills. Following the completion of my maternity placement, I have seen the importance of accurate and timely charting, so I would like to improve my charting.      



March 2, 2015

My goal for my next clinical experience is to gain more hands on practical experience. During this placement, I took an observational role, so for my next clinical experience I hope to be more involved and learn through participation. 



November 24, 2014

One of my goals for next semester’s clinical placement is to effectively and confidently give a bed bath by the end of February 2015. My main priority is to make the patient feel comfortable, but I also hope to feel comfortable as well.

My second goal for next semester is to achieve a 70% or higher on my human physiology midterm exam. This is because I did not do well on the human anatomy midterm this semester, so I hope to do better next semester.    

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